Considerations On Adding Color To Your Advertising Message

I’m often asked by prospective customers whether or not they should use color in their advertising panel on a promotional calendar.   In the past, the answer was fairly easy.   Color was costly and adding it usually meant significant cost increases to the calendar being used  for marketing.

But not anymore.   In fact, on many wall calendars technology has caught up with production driving costs way down on this option.   Today, the additional cost for adding color can amount to as little as a dime more per calendar.


Color in your advertising message can capture immediate attention.

Color in your advertising message can capture immediate attention.

Then again, a nice clean layout using one color, such as black, can have positive impact just the same.

Then again, a nice clean layout using one color, such as black, can have positive impact just the same.


Yet, the question still remains on whether a person should use color for their advertising.   The old school approach is to keep things simple.   Consider this, most calendar styles contain lots of vibrant colors so having an advertising panel that is largely mono-toned using a single color can still have great benefits.

In other words, the whole goal to a promotional calendar is for the product hanging on a wall or sitting on a desk to capture attention.   A colorful calendar sporting an equally colorful ad panel only adds to the chaos for the eye.   On the other hand, a one-color promotional advertising message can deliver contrast and has a way to stand out.

Of course, this largely depends on the style of calendar being used.   The ideal calendar might be a black and white photographed calendar that seems rather bland in appearance.   Imagine, in this case, a colorful ad panel that sports a vibrantly colored message.

In reality, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to using color.   It can be a matter of personal preference.   It can be a matter of what the company logo requirements allow for.    Many factors have to be weighed before the final decisions can be made.

Usually I tell people this.   If you have used only one color for a series of years then maybe it’s time to jazz it up and show some flare.   Show your prospects and customers that you’re not stuck in your ways and can live on the edge when you have to.   Along that same line, maybe your business has a conservative feel to it and sticking with something simple and effective that has worked in the past is all that will be needed for the future.

No matter how you intend to proceed, give our experienced customer service staff the challenge of constructing an advertising message that works best for your company.   We offer layout services that usually cost you nothing.   All you need to do is ask us for help and the folks at will make it colorful or simply just effective, your choice.

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