Ordered Too Many Calendars…Now What?

Occasionally we get calls from customers who ordered too many imprinted promotional advertising calendars and they are still sitting in a box at the end of the distribution period.   Their question is now what?

Of course, we respond how this is a great opportunity to do something novel and very much appreciated.   Whenever a customer of ours has left-over calendars for the upcoming year we strongly encourage them to make contact with a local nursing home or convalescent care center.   You see, these residents often don’t get a calendar.   Some may not even have close family or friends.

A long time ago we discovered how many places in our society can make use of those “extra” calendars that a business may have.   And guess what?   Wherever a calendar hangs with your business message it will drive business to you.   Sure, the nursing home resident may not be a potential client of yours…but their visitors who come to see them most certainly could be.

Today, we have a small number of our calendar customers who actually order these “extra” calendars on purpose with intent on giving them away to schools, churches, nursing homes, etc.   They reason how having these mini billboards scattered in diverse locations throughout the community can only benefit their overall marketing efforts.

Honestly, we agree.   The strategy of distributing calendars for business marketing should not overlook any opportunity.   If you put your advertising message on a calendar the goal should be to put that calendar into the hands of the people most likely to need that information.   Next, the priority should be to at the very least get it hanging in high-traffic locations where it gets seen.

So, the problem of having calendars left over after the traditional distribution season shouldn’t really be a problem at all.   It should be viewed as an opportunity to reach potential new customers.   By opening your eyes and mind you will discover there are many appreciative outlets in most communities looking for your generous, caring gift that just so happens to promote your business.

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